Category Archives: Flash AS3
Dictionary Class in AS3
When was the last time you used the Dictionary? No, seriously, when was the last time??? [as3] var dictionary:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); [/as3] Perhaps one of the most interesting additions to the ActionScript 3 language is the new Dictionary Object. … Continue reading
Try it, if you dare!
Today, I’m going to talk about the Try…Catch…Finally trio. As developers, we perform all the initial testing on our apps before passing them along to the QA team, or even going live with it, depending on your setup. Even with … Continue reading
AS3 undefined vs null
Believe it or not, there’s a difference between undefined and null. It may seem redundant to have two constants that represent invalid values/variables, but given the dynamic nature of the ActionScript language, their existence is pretty evident. If you don’t … Continue reading
Bitwise Operations in ActionScript 3
We – Flash Engineers – rarely use these operators, but when we do, performance and efficiency are in mind. Bitwise operators are used to manipulate bits of data/variables, they operate on single or sets/pairs of bits – otherwise known as … Continue reading
AS3 Array vs Vector
Another great new feature of AS3 and Flash Player 10 is the Vector Class. Vectors are a lot like Arrays, in that they’re unsorted lists which can hold values/variables – with one caveat – they can only hold one type … Continue reading
Flash Logging through FireBug!
This – Thunderbolt – is seriously an invaluable resource for all Flash Engineers. Well, that’s if you use FireBug with FireFox, and c’mon, who doesn’t nowadays? So basically, all you have to do is import the “Logger” class and log … Continue reading
[as3] /** ———————————————————– * Class Name: * ———————————————————— * Description: Global(Singleton) is a sort of _global where * all global vars – including FlashVars – and functions exist. * ———————————————————— * Created by: Bobby Berberyan – 09.09.09 * Modified … Continue reading
Why there’s no Flash on the iPhone
I knew it(profits) to be the case all along, but this totally solidified my suspicions. It’s a new ad system from Apple called iAd. Check it out,
Flash Engineer vs Developer
What it means to be a Flash Engineer vs Developer, well, it means a lot. Developers are so…..